Home > Agronomy Division

General Manager  
 Ron Cruise 641-330-1681 563-237-5324


 Agronomy Division Manager  
 Travis Blockhus 563-419-9680 563-547-5404



Agronomy Services

  • Full-service agronomy plant locations
  • Packaged Chemicals
  • GPS services
  • Precision Farming program
  • Complete fertility and crop protection products
  • Complete line of DeKalb, Asgrow, Pioneer, Mycogen and Croplan Genetics seed
  • A member of Agriliance
  • Many different Fertilizers 
  • Chemicals
  • Custom Application
  • Grid Sampling and Variable Rate Technology 
  • Yield Mapping
  • Different varieties of seed
  • Seed Treating
  • Crop Scouting
  • Lawn Care Products
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